TRIDA Rental Management System

Pay your rents online hazzle free

An online platform which facilitates TRIDA managing their rental properties and tenants can pay their rent online

Benefits of tenants

Centralized Profile

Access information of all your rented units from a single central account. Login using mobile number and OTP.

Digital Invoices

Get invoices digitally via the portal. Receive invoices via email. Historical invoices also available. No more missed payments.

Pay Rent Online

Use online payment options to pay your rent from anywhere. No more queues. Saves your time and pay rent on time. Supports all major cards and other payment options


Pay online

  • Central account for all rented units
  • Multiple payment options
  • Supports all major credit and debit cards, UPI and net banking options
  • Digital receipt
  • Email based confirmation of payment
  • Payment history and invoice history available


Thiruvananthapuram Development Authority (TRIDA) is constituted for the implementation of planned and scientific development for Trivandrum city and adjoining area. The jurisdiction of the Authority extends to the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation and 5 surrounding Panchayats. Government of Kerala has decided that the TRIDA shall be the agency responsible for the long term planning and development of Thiruvananthapuram city and as a statutory authority in the place of trust under the provisions of section 53 (A) of the Town Planning Act 1108. The primary object of constituting TRIDA is to look after the smooth and orderly implementation of the sanctioned master plan for Thiruvananthapuram. Besides it also takes implementation of various detailed Town Planning schemes.


  • Jaya Mansion2
  • Vazhuthacaud, Sasthamangalam. P. O
  • Thiruvananthapuram-695 010
  • Phone:
    0471- 2722748, 2722238, 2722171
  • Email:

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